Joy Saunders Marketing & Messaging Aeonian Ovia

Attract the Perfect Customer

There is a PERFECT customer for your business… not prospective, not ideal, but perfect! Great marketing draws an audience that’s been longing for you. Our marketing counselors ensure this person finds you, tells all their friends, engages over and over, and remains loyal long after they’re done paying you.

Aeonian Ovia counselors use marketing as an avenue to discover chances for  internal growth, as well as marketplace opportunities. We craft the right strategy, help you develop the best messaging and collateral, and position it all

to draw in your perfect customer. We focus on aligning the creative, the strategic, and the analytics, to bring our clients leads that are just begging to be closed. Marketing with Aeonian Ovia establishes seamless connections.

Aeonian Ovia will walk with you, creating roadmaps that lead to more productivity, higher profits, and greater influence.

Some Points of Focus for Marketing Counseling

Marketing Strategy

Too many treat marketing like a project, when the truth is, great marketing us an art form. Our counselors develop strategies to garner awareness, engagement, and trust for your business.

Data Driven Insights

Who's paying attention to you? Your competition? What were they looking for? All these things are determined by understanding the analytics already being generated. Let's use them to your advantage.

Creating Creative Allure

Marketing is nothing without messaging and images that attract and inspire. With all the "noise" out there, you have to create marketing materials that dazzle your audience and make them say yes!

Digital Health Check

Sometimes we need help seeing beyond ourselves. Our health check is a full analysis of your digital standing in the marketplace. We'll review your website, social, email marketing, and more....

Marketing & Messaging SESSION




Set the Vision

First we get educated on you and your business. What’s working? What’s not? Where do you want to be? Understanding your objectives, we create a strategy and review your brand so we can position your growth.


Measure Resources

Next, we develop the actual plan, a roadmap for to your vision to life. We measure resources to make sure you actually have what you need to succeed, then we stimulate thinking and activity towards big wins.


Action & Delivery

It’s time to DO THE HARD THING!!
In this part of the process, we give special attention to systems and accountability, identifying needs and opportunities as they arise. Here we launch the plan into action.


Looping / Feedback

Once we’re moving forward, Aeonian Ovia counselors conduct continuous looping to make sure we stay on target. This strategy of feedback and modification ensures we can respond to unexpected obstacles properly.

Joy & Stefan, founders of
aeonian ovia

Your superheroes in business and entrepreneurship!

Imagine your favorite superhero is fighting the bad guys. He’s doing well, but he can’t quite defeat the evildoers. Then… plot twist!

Your OTHER favorite superhero swoops in to join the fight against the powers of destruction and malice. 

This is Aeonian Ovia! Super forces merging to liberate your business, lead you to success,  make the world a better place.


branding is more than your logo

Every consulting firm and business coach has developed their own idea of what branding is. Well, we did to! LOL
At Aeonian Ovia, we recognized that branding is the image, perception, and personality of your organization. Considering these three elements helps your company’s identity stand out.

marketing joins the convo

Our marketing mantra is “Join the conversation that’s already happening in their head.” Utilizing this strategy we are able to grow interest in your products/services.

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Connect with Aeonian Ovia and The Brilliance Institute to hep your business gain time, money, and influence.