Entrepreneur coaching for all business dynamics

Build the Business You Love

Entrepreneur coaching helps you make your dream a reality. Our counselors act as your exclusive dream team, helping you develop the skills, mindset, systems, and confidence to crush your goals. Gain additional streams of income, make a difference in the world, and live the life you’ve always desired.

Aeonian Ovia counselors help entrepreneurs crack the code to business growth. We understand why people say yes and help you put into words exactly what your customers need to hear. Whether you’re prepping to pitch to

investors, or going grass roots, we help you identify the best path forward. Our counselors help you create an indestructible business framework, create systems with inherent accountability, and increase your sales.

Aeonian Ovia will walk with you, creating roadmaps that lead to more productivity, higher profits, and greater influence.

Some Focus Points of Entrepreneur Coaching

Growth Strategy

Our counselors will guide you through the process of creating a customized growth plan, that aligns with your business goals, available resources, and your personal risk tolerance.

Personal Development

As an entrepreneur the core of your business is you. We get it! Thus, our counselors help you address the "you" in your business. We tackle limiting beliefs, develop new mindsets, and provide support.


We give entrepreneurs the support they need. Our counselors help you set clear and measurable goals. We also conduct regular check-ins and provide constructive feedback for all our elite entrepreneurs.

Systems & Operations

Systems often times determine our level of productivity. We focus on helping entrepreneurs implement technology systems to support growth and efficiency. Tracking efficiencies to boost productivity.

Entrepreneurship Coaching SESSION

coaching FEE - $364



Set the Vision

First we get educated on you and your business. What’s working? What’s not? Where do you want to be? Understanding your objectives, we create a strategy and review your brand so we can position your growth.


Measure Resources

Next, we develop the actual plan, a roadmap for to your vision to life. We measure resources to make sure you actually have what you need to succeed, then we stimulate thinking and activity towards big wins.


Action & Delivery

It’s time to DO THE HARD THING!!
In this part of the process, we give special attention to systems and accountability, identifying needs and opportunities as they arise. Here we launch the plan into action.


Looping / Feedback

Once we’re moving forward, Aeonian Ovia counselors conduct continuous looping to make sure we stay on target. This strategy of feedback and modification ensures we can respond to unexpected obstacles properly.

Joy & Stefan, founders of
aeonian ovia

Your superheroes in business and entrepreneurship!

Imagine your favorite superhero is fighting the bad guys. He’s doing well, but he can’t quite defeat the evildoers. Then… plot twist!

Your OTHER favorite superhero swoops in to join the fight against the powers of destruction and malice. 

This is Aeonian Ovia! Super forces merging to liberate your business, lead you to success,  make the world a better place.

Get Stefan's Latest Book
The Elite Eight

I got so tired of the gurus giving you the same, lame, 5-steps to success. I was completely OVER looking up everyday and seeing another book focused on practices that wouldn’t give you the depth you really needed for success.

This ain’t one of those books! I promise!

This book is a discourse on entrepreneurship that may be alien compared to what’s being taught. It goes beyond the simple decision to be an entrepreneur and teaches you the 8 essential principles, that guarantee you will win, EVERY TIME!!

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